Questions And Answers

What Do You Want To Sustain?

To answer this question, we need to answer another one, “How feasible is the sustainability of the system embedded into one that itself in its foundation is not?”

What dose Sustainable development in absolute form/domain/form means?

MAIN FOCUS – Design of concepts or ideas, base on underlining principles of absolute sustainability as its core objective. Flexibility, reusability, modularity, recyclability. Open source and public domain. Voluntary cooperative participation. Stride towards a zero new resources extraction

What are the 4 factors of absolute sustainability?

Definitions of sustainability and pillars of sustainability.

Flexibility, reusability, modularity, recyclability.
Open source and public domain.
Voluntary cooperative participation.
Stride towards a zero new resources extraction.
Environmental sustainability.

What Does Sustainability Mean?

In short, simply the ability to sustain something.
Definitions of sustainability.
To sustain something, we must prolong it indefinitely, which begs the obvious question: what is it that we want to sustain? Do we want to sustain our consumer lifestyle, our growth-based economic system, or our control over other nations’ resources? Therefore, is the discussion around our ability to sustain something given the resources we have available.

Sustainability Goals. What Do You Want To Sustain?

To answer this question, we need to answer another one, “How feasible is the sustainability of the system embedded into one that itself in its foundation is not?”
If we are to assume that that is likely unattainable then the sustainability of any system turns towards evolving the parent one into a more efficient version. This principle is to be applied to the entire hierarchy.
By evolving parent one we achieve the possibility for the child one, the one that lies atop of the aforementioned one, to evolve further too. This goes against the traditional approach that we tackle the problem of one as existing in isolation from the influences of others.

  • Why add flexibility into concepts ?

    Flexibility allows for adaptive and versatile systems that can ensuring long-term viability.

  • Why is reusability important?

    Reusability minimizes waste by designing for repeated use, optimizing resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

  • Why create concepts with modularity in mind?

    Modularity enables the creation of interchangeable components, facilitating scalability, efficient maintenance, and future upgrades.

  • Why practice recyclability? 

    Recyclability promotes a circular economy by designing materials and products that can be transformed into new resources, reducing dependence on finite resources.

  • What is donatioware?

    Donationware is a product that is offered to the public for free, along with requests for optional donations. Donationware is commonly considered a type of freeware because users can obtain the full product without paying for a license.

    One way to think about donationware is that a developer can operate on a lean business model.

    Donationware can also be a way to promote a particular design philosophy that could be called collaborative.

  • Donationware as a philosophy.

    Donationware can also be a way to promote a particular design philosophy in IT that could be called collaborative. One example is the Ubuntu Linux product offered by Canonical. The idea is that while users often get involved in the development of software through testing, providing input, or otherwise interacting with software products, they can also assist by effectively crowdfunding a new software product or version. 

    So it goes with the positive quality of giving credit to others when it is certainly due. Whether it is by the laws of the land, the owner’s right, or because you appreciate it dignifies the person/organization. It makes us all better humans when we are willing and able to recognize the work of others. Yes, continue giving credit where it is certainly due.

  • Donationware bigger picture?

    The idea behind the Donationware system, other than the wish to allow the software accessible to all, is also to create a new economic system that gives the responsibility to the user. Therefore, he can choose to set his own estimated license price according to his means, for the service gained, and to his wish to support our Research and Development team. He can do this as many times as he wishes. Some users even make a fixed monthly donation, as though it was a SAAS license.

  • What is Open source?

    Open source is a term that originally referred to open source software (OSS). Open source software is code that is designed to be publicly accessible—anyone can see, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit. Open source software is developed in a decentralized and collaborative way, relying on peer review and community production.

    Open source software is often cheaper, more flexible, and has more longevity than its proprietary peers because it is developed by communities rather than a single author or company.

    Open source has become a movement and a way of working that reaches beyond software production. The open source movement uses the values and decentralized production model of open source software to find new ways to solve problems in their communities and industries. –

  • Benefits of OPEN SOURCE (FOSS)?

    IS CROWD-SOURCED Cost, flexibility, freedom, security, and accountability – that are unsurpassed by proprietary solutions. FOSS also has long-term viability and is always on the cutting-edge of technology. It’s created and supported by a worldwide community of organizations and individuals, many of whom also live by open source values like collaboration and volunteerism. Flexibility and freedom.

    Unlike closed proprietary solutions, FOSS can be altered and extended by any developer familiar with the source code. This grants organizations freedom from –vendor lock-in– and assures long-term viability. A widely adopted FOSS project is often supported by hundreds or thousands of capable contributors.

    Paradigm shift technologies and architectures sometimes grow stagnant, and open source projects with fresh thinking can drive the change. Because when technologies are released as open source, the entire ecosystem is able to move forward together, rather than just a ‘nearby’ domain and its users.

  • How much the open soure aproch ussualy costs?

    CostThe vast majority of OS is freely distributed. But OSS is said to be -free as in kittens- and not -free as in beer- – it requires maintenance, configuration, and ongoing support. The trade-off is flexibility and freedom. Unlike closed proprietary solutions.

  • What values are compatible with open source?

    STRONG VALUES and more often than not, FOSS shops and developers hold similar values. In all aspects of life, they are advocates for more community participation, collaboration, and volunteerism. They believe in working together to build free, high-quality products that are accessible to for-profit and nonprofit organizations alike.

    This belief underlines the mission of the best FOSS shops and developers. It pushes them to build new features and contribute these features back to the community. As a direct result, popular FOSS projects strive to be on the cutting-edge of technology.

    SUPPORTED BY A COMMUNITY. These same development shops are constantly reviewing the FOSS code they support, as are thousands of independent developers working on the project worldwide. The result is a vast peer-review process that ensures security and accountability. Security holes are found and fixed quickly. While anyone can research shops and developers based on the quality of code they write.

  • Volunteering and absolute sustainability.

    Volunteering and collaboration for absolute sustainability go beyond profit-driven incentives. While traditional profit-focused approaches may prioritize short-term gains, volunteering and collaboration foster a more holistic and long-term perspective on sustainability.

  • Volunteering for individuals.

    By engaging in voluntary efforts, individuals and organizations contribute their time and resources driven by a shared passion for creating a positive impact, rather than solely seeking financial rewards. This non-profit-driven approach allows for a greater focus on the quality of outcomes, innovative solutions, and the well-being of the planet and society.

  • Volunteering and non-profit-driven incentives.

    Collaboration in the realm of absolute sustainability encourages the exchange of ideas, expertise, and resources without the constraints of profit-driven motives. It enables diverse stakeholders to come together, pooling their strengths and knowledge to address sustainability challenges collectively. In this collaborative environment, the emphasis shifts from competition to cooperation, fostering a spirit of cooperation and shared responsibility.

    By removing profit-driven incentives, volunteering and collaboration create space for creative problem-solving, experimentation, and the pursuit of sustainable solutions that benefit all. This mindset shift allows us to explore new avenues, challenge conventional practices, and find innovative ways to create a more sustainable future.

    Volunteering and collaboration for absolute sustainability empower individuals and organizations to prioritize the well-being of ecosystems, communities, and future generations. They encourage a focus on quality, innovation, and the long-term benefits of sustainable practices rather than short-term financial gains.

    Ultimately, the non-profit-driven incentives associated with volunteering and collaboration align with the core values of sustainability, emphasizing the importance of social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and the pursuit of a more equitable and resilient world.

  • Self sufficient meaning?

    Self-sufficiency is the state of not requiring any aid, support, or interaction for survival; it is a type of personal or collective autonomy. On a personal scale, a totally self-sufficient individual that does not heavily relay on contemporary systems for common life activities. Without a self sufficient individual, there is not a much chance for a sustainable world in a long run.

  • Self-sufficient home?

    Self-sufficient homestead refers to a living environment designed and organized in a way that minimizes reliance on external resources and maximizes sustainability. It is a holistic approach to living that aims to meet the needs of individuals or families while reducing their ecological footprint and promoting resilience.

    A self-sufficient home integrates various practices and systems to create a self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle. This includes growing food through organic gardening or permaculture techniques, raising animals for food or resources, harvesting rainwater for irrigation and household use, utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines, and implementing efficient waste management strategies like composting and recycling.

    The goal of a self-sufficient homestead is to create a closed-loop system where resources are utilized efficiently, waste is minimized, and the homestead can sustain itself without relying heavily on external inputs.

    In the context of our discussions on sustainability, a self-sufficient homestead represents an embodiment of the principles we have explored, such as absolute sustainability, energy reduction, and zero new resources extraction. It is an example of how individuals can take active steps to live in harmony with nature, reduce their environmental impact, cut cost of living, fight inflation, and create a more sustainable future from the ground up.

  • Explain concept of net zero new resources?

    Absolute sustainability, reduction of energy needs, and zero new resources extraction are interconnected goals that collectively contribute to building a more sustainable future.

    Absolute sustainability focuses on designing concepts and ideas with sustainability as the core objective. By incorporating principles such as flexibility, reusability, modularity, and recyclability, we create systems and products that minimize waste, optimize resource efficiency, and extend their lifecycle. This approach inherently contributes to reducing energy needs and the demand for new resources.

    Reducing energy needs is crucial for achieving sustainability. By implementing energy-efficient practices, embracing renewable energy sources, and promoting energy conservation, we can minimize our carbon footprint and lessen the strain on the environment. Energy reduction strategies complement the principles of absolute sustainability by ensuring that the resources we do use are utilized efficiently and responsibly.

    Zero new resources extraction aligns with both absolute sustainability and energy reduction. By prioritizing the repurposing, reuse, and recycling of existing resources, we reduce the need to extract new materials from the Earth. This approach conserves natural resources, minimizes environmental degradation, and promotes a circular economy where resources are kept in circulation for as long as possible.